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Revolved Extended S A

Revolved Extended Side Angle (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) 
Revolved Extended Side Angle
1、From Lunge, step your left foot way back.

2、As you inhale, lift your torso and place your hands on your front thigh.

3、With your exhalation, draw your shoulders down, press through your back heel and sinking in to your hip.

4、Breathe in, lengthen your spine,

5、As you breathe our, twist your torso to the right and bring your palms together in front of you.

6、If you wanna more challenge yourself, take your bottom arm to the floor and extend your top arm over your head toward the ceiling.

・Strengthens the ankles, calves, knees and thighs
・Opens the hips and groins
・Massage the internal organ, Improves digestion
・Improves balance


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